Every dollar whether in the hands of the billionaires or in the hands of the Politicians, will only corrupt them all !
So, I was reading about what happened in Salvador Allende of Chilly and the Coup and why Salvador Allende became a threat to the Billionaires and the Western Politicians !
I meant the Politicians in the So Called Free Market Nations …., not Corruption Free, but Money is Free …. Non of these Politicians do any work … Money Flows and the Politicians Swim in that Money … Biden, Kamaladevi, Mike Johnson and Chuck Schumer etc.
Every dollar whether in the hands of the billionaires or in the hands of the Politicians, will only corrupt them all !
So, I was reading about what happened in Salvador Allende of Chilly and the Coup and why Salvador Allende became a threat to the Billionaires and the Western Politicians !
I meant the Politicians in the So Called Free Market Nations …., not Corruption Free, but Money is Free …. Non of these Politicians do any work … Money Flows and the Politicians Swim in that Money … Biden, Kamaladevi, Mike Johnson and Chuck Schumer etc.
A MUST for change !